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  • Rachel Lopez

What to Expect During an ADHD Assessment Appointment

If you're an adult who suspects that you may have ADHD, it's important to know what to expect during your assessment appointment. There are several steps in the assessment process, and each one is important in order to make a diagnosis. In this blog post, we will outline the steps involved in an ADHD assessment so that you can be prepared for your appointment.

Before your appointment, it's helpful to gather information about your symptoms and when they began. It's also important to bring a list of questions that you want to ask the doctor. Additionally, it's helpful to have a family member or friend in mind to contact who can provide information about your symptoms and how your symptoms have impacted your life.

Also, if you have a previous ADHD diagnosis, are currently looking to be reevaluated and are currently on medication for ADHD, it will be important to inform your clinician of this. It is also important to not take your ADHD medication the day of the assessment in order to receive the most accurate results.

The first step in an ADHD assessment is a clinical interview. This is where you will meet with a mental health professional and discuss your symptoms, experiences, and medical history. The clinician will also ask about your family history of ADHD or other mental health conditions. It's important to be as open and honest as possible during this interview so that the clinician can get an accurate picture of your symptoms.

After the clinical interview, you may be asked to complete some paper-and-pencil tests that measure attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These tests can help the clinician to rule out other conditions that may be causing your symptoms. You may also be asked to complete a computerized test that examines your attention capabilities.

Once all of the testing is completed, the clinician will review all of the information and make a diagnosis. If you are diagnosed with ADHD, the clinician will work with you to develop a treatment plan. This may include medication, therapy, or both.

If you think you may have ADHD, it's important to seek out an assessment so that you can get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. An ADHD assessment can be daunting, but it's important to remember that it's just one part of the process in getting help for your symptoms.

By understanding what to expect during an ADHD assessment, you can be better prepared for the appointment and get one step closer to finding relief from your symptoms.

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